
Showing posts with the label Donald Trump

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Donald Trump and the Shithole Presidency

From the day he launched his campaign to the monstrous place we are in now. Yesterday had to be his worst and most racist day ever. Trying to deny that he had called  El Salvador , Haiti,  and a few  African countries "Shitholes" at  a gathering  with lawmakers. Only to be called a liar by a Senator who was at that meeting. Or as an asshole...Donald Trump  may be a  racist. This should be said without excuses, without evasions, without caveats. It is about power - Trump's power  which  of his administration in kicking the helpless, the deprived, the desperate. For  an additional  dose of humiliation, there was the insane excuse the flaming Orange Oaf came up with for canceling his visit to Britain. Even though the embassy was relocated for security reasons, George W. Bush not Obama. The real reason Trump canceled his visit to Britain, was because  British  people had made it clear he wasn't wanted and were planning massive...

Forget Russia, The Democrats and Republicans Have Openly Rigged the Election for Decades

  The last time the American people were allowed  to ascertain  quite  two candidates for president on television was in 1992 when Ross Perot was allowed on stage with Democrat  Clinton  and incumbent Republican President George H.W. Bush. He received  quite  19 million votes as a  result of  being allowed  thereon  stage with Bush and Clinton. Perot  aroused  with about 19% of the  choice  an election that Clinton won by 6 points over Bush. Naturally,  the thought  of  a 3rd  party stealing votes from  one among  the main  parties  may be a  threat to the establishment. In 1987, Democrats and Republicans unanimously agreed  to make  the Commission on Presidential Debates which  may be a  nonprofit corporation established with bipartisan support. The CPD's formation was directly recommended by the bipartisan National Commission on Elections...