Too little too late; Dallas Police Chief fires 3 officers; AZ cop fired over dollar store incident
Dallas police Chief Renel Hall promised thorough IA investigation following Amber Guyger murder trial. Too little too late The Phoenix police officer, Christopher, Meyer who pointed his weapon at a family and threatened to fire after their 4-year-old daughter took a baby doll from a Family Dollar Store has been fired. For over two decades, Retired Los Angeles Police Department(LAPD) Sergeant Cheryl Dorsey worked exclusively in patrol and specialized units in all four Bureaus within the City of Los Angeles; South, Central, West and Valley. In addition to various patrol division assignments, Sgt. Dorsey was assigned to the infamous gang unit in Operations South Bureau; known as Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums (C.R.A.S.H.) under the command of Police Chief Daryl F. Gates