
Showing posts with the label WFTV

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In just one week, the 2nd Florida school cop attacks a female student, this time with a teaser.

Florida school resource officers always seem to be  within the  news for abusing or otherwise causing grave harm to  the youngsters   they're  allegedly sworn  to guard  — and  in the week , they proved that notion. On Wednesday, we reported on  a faculty  resource officer who was seen body-slamming a  highschool  girl in  a trial   to interrupt  up a fight — knocking the girl unconscious  within the  process. Then, just  each day  later, another school cop  in a very  school only 50 miles away, was seen tasering a female student who reportedly stood up to someone trying to bully her. Adolescent quarrels are a frequent occurrence. As hormones rush in, children  try and  assert control over their environment  furthermore  as other children,  and also the  result can often manifest into a fight. In the past, if a fight were  to interrupt  out...

Disturbing Video Shows Cop Kill Man Running Away, Shoot Him in the Back Like an Animal

Salaythis Melvin, a 22-year-old man from Orange Country was shot  within the  back by a deputy in  civilian clothing , executed  during a  mall  parking zone  earlier this month. Melvin  wasn't  suspected of committing  a criminal offense , he  wasn't  accused of  a criminal offense  and police  weren't  trying to find  him at the time of the shooting. Melvin's only "Crime" at the time of his initial interaction with police that day was  to require  off running when several men in unmarked vehicles pulled guns on Melvin  and a few  friends  during a  mall  parking zone . The Orange County Sheriff's department claims they were serving a  bench warrant  that day to  an individual  who was  imagined to  be with Melvin outside the mall. Despite the incident unfolding on August 7, the department  didn't  release the video until Tuesda...