
Showing posts with the label Atlanta Journal Constitution

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Cops find an unarmed homeless man sleeping in his car and shoot him in the head, according to a lawsuit.

A homeless man, Nicholas Bolton, was shot in the head by Coweta County Deputy John Collins. A grand jury refused to indict the officer who shot Bolton, and now taxpayers will be liable for the actions of the officers involved. Bolton's family lawyer claims the officer intended to try and kill her client by using deadly force when Bolton's car was clearly pinned by three police cars. The suit claims there was "no factual or legal justification at any time for the degree of force used by defendant Collins when he shot plaintiff Bolton in the head, without warning...and now he is blind" The suit also claims that Bolton "posed no objectively reasonable threat" to Collins or the other deputies. The officer told investigators he thought Bolton was going to run over one of his fellow boys in blue, and he shot Bolton because he thought he was about to get run over. The family lawyer said that shooting to kill him was apparently easier than taking him into custody. ...