
Showing posts with the label Italy

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‘Very Powerful’ International Child Sex Cult Busted After Operating Freely for 30 YEARS

Police in Italy have raided what they known as a “very powerful” sect, said to be entrenched in numerous cities across the USA, which preyed on young girls – lots of whom were minors – subjecting them to intercourse abuse and torture. The alleged sect becomes busted after a lengthy -yr probe into the cult’s activities, dubbed ‘Operation Dionysus’, Novara police said Monday. The sect becomes led through a 77-year-vintage man from Novara, one of the cult’s victims told the police. The sect focused on the whole young women, inclusive of minors, and reportedly promised the “chosen ones” entry into a “magical, awesome and mystery international” and the lighting fixtures of an “inner hearth,” among different matters, investigators said. Pictures recovered with the aid of the police from the cult’s files shows topless contributors carrying out ritualistic dances. The sect has had a big criminal the front, along with several stores, a psychology middle, or even a publishing hous...