
Showing posts with the label Circuit Judge Kevin Souza

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Cop Sexually attacks child during site visitors prevent, gets only 14 Days in jail, gained’t sign up as intercourse culprit

  Police sexual assaults  within the U .S.  are so common that The PBWW website cannot possibly cover  all of them . The underlying theme of all of them, however,  is that the  lack of punishment these cops receive for preying on others, including children.  because the  following infuriating case out of Honolulu illustrates, cops can  and can  sexually assault children, while on duty, and receive little  quite  a  clap on  the wrist. Honolulu  peace officer  Kramer Aoki’s case has been  within the  system for over 6 years  because the  family of the victim fought to bring him to justice. However, although the case came to an  endwise  Tuesday, the family  revealed   in the week  that “justice” is entirely arbitrary and favors  people who  serve the establishment. The cop who sexually assaulted their daughter was sentenced  to the only  a ...