
Showing posts with the label Officer Samuel Tomlinson

Africanews english Live

The cops shoot the innocent teenager in the back, then pull the bullets and say ‘by hand’.

  A 17-year-old boy, Jamaine Barnes was reportedly asleep  in a very  car after a video shoot  along with his  older cousin only to be awakened by police who would shoot him  within the  back moments later.  in step with  a lawsuit filed this month, after shooting the boy, officers pulled the bullets out of his back by hand before dumping him off at the juvenile  jail . As Mercury News reports,  in keeping with  the lawsuit, the Stockton teen spent the evening  along with his  older cousin, earlier driving to a music video shoot in Oakland.  the teenager  then fell asleep and  awoke   within the  car alone and in an unfamiliar  automobile parking space , to the sounds of loud noises. He tried to call his cousin but his  mobile phone  was dead, so he  arrived  at the driver’s seat and tried  to depart , the suit said. Leaving, for the young man, proved to be a near...