Cops Mistake Man’s Severe Autism for ‘Resisting’, Taser Him in His Head, Sending Him to Hospital
Louis Grahai, a twenty-year-old with severe autism and the mental ability of a four-year-old, is renowned in his community as a kind and loving guy who has never harmed anybody. However, when he strayed too far from his house last weekend, those neighbours were unfamiliar with him, and his towering height and peculiar conduct prompted a 911 call and subsequent excessive force incident by the Eustis police department. "Everyone adores Lou." "He's lovely, and everyone knows he's not going to do anything bad," his mother, Roberta Crew, said. According to Police Chief Craig Capri, "the perfect storm" occurred last Saturday when Grahai allegedly became disoriented in another area and attempted to enter a residence that was not his. The resident was understandably concerned and called 911 to report the event. "I'm not sure he was smashing it... "However, I heard the door handle sway," she said to authorities. When police arrived on the...