Officers Charged in "No Knock" Warrant deaths of couple and more
Minneapolis ~ Philando Castile’s girlfriend sues mayor over ‘crack cocaine’ tweet Two deputies fired for inaction after fleeing party shooting - Shooting at Fresno backyard party kills four, wounds six others Mrs. Obama's Voting initiative As a social justice advocate and law enforcement expert, Sgt. Dorsey spoke alongside California Assemblymember Dr. Shirley Weber, at the state capitol, before the California Assembly Committee on Public Safety regarding AB392. Sgt. Dorsey’s participation, in part, led to Governor Newsom signing into law on August 19, 2019, California Assembly Bill 392, a police use-of-force bill that redefines the circumstances under which the use of lethal force by a peace officer is considered justifiable. For over two decades, Retired Los Angeles Police Department(LAPD) Sergeant Cheryl Dorsey worked exclusively in patrol and specialized units in all four Bureaus within the City of L...