
Showing posts with the label Philly

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Philly's First Black Female Police Chief

Two ways to support the show via Cash App -$sgtdorseyspeaks or purchase my autobiography (signed copy) available (unsigned)~ Channel Sponsored by @Boss.inkk_ home of "Fine Babe" / "Babe Fine" products; t-shirts, hoodies mugs and more Danielle Outlaw- Philly's New Police Chief inherits predecessors' problems. . Shawny Williams appointed to scandal plagued Vallejo Police Department. Are they setting these black executives up to fail??? As a social justice advocate and law enforcement expert, Sgt. Dorsey spoke alongside California Assemblymember Dr. Shirley Weber before the California Assembly Committee on Public Safety regarding AB392. Sgt. Dorsey’s participation, in part, led to Governor Newsom signing into law on August 19, 2019, California Assembly Bill 392, a police use-of-force bill that redefines the circumstances under which the use of lethal force by a ...