
Showing posts with the label Starr Ramsey

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Cops terrorize innocent 10yo boy, detain him without cause - not disciplined

  The parents of a 10-year-old boy were horrified after their son was detained and placed in handcuffs for no reason by Chicago Police. The interaction was captured on video and sparked outrage  within the  community when it originally happened. Now, however, more outrage  is predicted   because the  police review board has determined the cops should face no accountability. According to the Chicago Sun-Times,  one  member of the Civilian Office of Police Accountability ruled Thursday night that no officers will face discipline  for his or her  role in handcuffing Michael Thomas Jr. and terrorizing him for  the purpose  of urinating on himself. Originally, COPA investigated the boy’s brief detention and recommended that two officers, Anthony Spicuzza and Robert Garduno, each be suspended for 30 days  for his or her  role in terrorizing the innocent child. However, Chicago Police Supt. David Brown disagreed and recommen...