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Pharmakeia: Sorcery, Witchcraft, Pharmacy, Pharmacist & the Roots of Modern-Day Drug Industry Part 2

Do you find it rather disturbing that approximately 60% of the population is taking  a minimum of  one pharmaceutical drug every day? Some are  taking over  to fifteen and twenty! We are told that we  live  during a time of  the best  medical breakthroughs  within the  history of  the planet  yet, over  100  million Americans suffer from various health problems. Primarily signified "The use  of drugs  , drugs, spells;" then, "Poisoning;" then, "Sorcery," Gal 5:20, RV, "Sorcery", mentioned  together  of "The works of the flesh."  cf.  Rev 9:21; 18:23. Htm  does one  find it rather disturbing that approximately 60% of the population is taking  a minimum of  one pharmaceutical drug every day? Some are  taking over  to fifteen and twenty! We are told that we  live  during a time of  the best  medical breakthroughs  within the  histor...

Pharmakeia: Sorcery, Witchcraft, Pharmacy, Pharmacist & the Roots of Modern-Day Drug Industry Part 1

Pharmakeia: Sorcery, Witchcraft, Pharmaceutical, Pharmacy, Pharmacist & the Roots of Modern-Day Drug Industry Dr. Scott Johnson Sermon Overview: Pharmakeia is a form of the Greek root word from which we get our English words: Pharmacy, Pharmacist, and Pharmaceutical. Do you find it rather disturbing that approximately 60% of the population is taking at least one pharmaceutical drug every day? Some are taking up to fifteen and twenty! We are told that we are living during a time of the greatest medical breakthroughs in the history of the world yet, over one hundred million Americans suffer from various health problems. Primarily signified "The use of medicine, drugs, spells;" then, "Poisoning;" then, "Sorcery," Gal 5:20, RV, "Sorcery", mentioned as one of "The works of the flesh." See also Rev 9:21; 18:23. Do you find it rather disturbing that approximately 60% of the population is taking at least one pharmaceutical drug every day? S...