
Showing posts with the label Los Angeles Sheriff’s Deputy Angel Reinosa

Africanews english Live

A cop was jailed for making the story of 'Melanin Man Shooting Him' that led to cops rounding up Melanin people

  The fabricated story of how  Los Angeles  Sheriff’s Deputy Angel Reinosa was shot  within the  shoulder by a sniper as he walked from his  automobile  into the station.  an enormous  manhunt ensued as heavily armed deputies in military attire  founded   a fringe  and locked down  the realm  but  it might  all be  vainly . Reinosa was arrested  the subsequent  week because he made  the whole  thing up. Then,  but   every week  later, another cop in Ohio was arrested for doing  the precise  same thing. This week, Warren  policeman  Noah Linnen was sentenced to 9 months in jail after pleading guilty to charges of tampering with evidence, inducing panic, and disrupting public service after he lied about being “shot at by a melanin man” and returned fire. On Tuesday, Linnen issued an apology saying he was ashamed of his actions. “I apologize to the Afr...