Donald Trump and the Shithole Presidency
From the day he launched his campaign to the monstrous place we are in now.
Yesterday had to be his worst and most racist day ever.
Trying to deny that he had calledEl Salvador , Haiti, and a few African countries "Shitholes" at a gathering with lawmakers.
Only to be called a liar by a Senator who was at that meeting.
Or as an asshole...Donald Trumpmay be a racist.
This should be said without excuses, without evasions, without caveats.
It is about power - Trump's powerwhich of his administration in kicking the helpless, the deprived, the desperate.
Foran additional dose of humiliation, there was the insane excuse the flaming Orange Oaf came up with for canceling his visit to Britain.
Even though the embassy was relocated for security reasons, George W. Bush not Obama.
The real reason Trump canceled his visit to Britain, was becauseBritish people had made it clear he wasn't wanted and were planning massive demonstrations.
Which was truly pathetic, or sad. And hadall types of individuals laughing at him, and calling him a coward.
Then as if Trump wasn't done enough, there was the story about The Groperand therefore the porn star Stormy Daniels.
On Friday, The Wall Street Journal reported that Michael Cohen, the longtime lawyer for President Donald J. Trump, arranged a $130,000 hush payment to porn star Stormy Daniels one monthbefore the 2016 presidential election.
'All I'mgetting to say is: I ended up with Donald in his bedroom .
Picture him chasing me around hisbedroom in his tighty-whities.
' Which whether it's true or not, can only make more peopleponder whether that Russian hooker story was true.
How much did he pay them to peetherein bed, and keep their mouths shut? There was some excellent news for Trump.
His Whiteresident declared him to be in excellent health.
President Donald Trump's Whiteresident declared him in "Excellent health" after the president received his first checkup at Reed hospital on Friday, undergoing a physical examination amid suggestions during a recent book and by his detractors that he's mentally unfit.
Since his checkup didn't include a psychiatric examination, we stilldo not know whether he's mentally fit to be President.
Now that he has been officially diagnosed as asupremacist ...I doubt his presidency will ever recover.
Sincethe sole way he can attempt to stop people calling him President Shithole is to start out a war, he's still dangerous.
So resistance has never been more necessary or more urgent...
Yesterday had to be his worst and most racist day ever.
Trying to deny that he had called
Only to be called a liar by a Senator who was at that meeting.
Or as an asshole...Donald Trump
This should be said without excuses, without evasions, without caveats.
It is about power - Trump's power
Even though the embassy was relocated for security reasons, George W. Bush not Obama.
The real reason Trump canceled his visit to Britain, was because
Which was truly pathetic, or sad. And had
Then as if Trump wasn't done enough, there was the story about The Groper
On Friday, The Wall Street Journal reported that Michael Cohen, the longtime lawyer for President Donald J. Trump, arranged a $130,000 hush payment to porn star Stormy Daniels one month
'All I'm
Picture him chasing me around his
' Which whether it's true or not, can only make more people
How much did he pay them to pee
His White
President Donald Trump's White
Since his checkup didn't include a psychiatric examination, we still
Now that he has been officially diagnosed as a
So resistance has never been more necessary or more urgent...
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