Cop Sexually Assaults Man with Anal Cavity in Public Search for Non-Existent Pharmaceuticals
In the apparent country of liberty, you are not free to do as you choose with your body. From mandated vaccines to abortions after rape, the state will stop at nothing in its terrifying quest to control the single thing you have complete control over. As the vaccine and abortion debates boil on, another equally horrific infringement of bodily autonomy proceeds virtually unimpeded in the background, all owing to the war on drugs.
Insidious is the state's practice of kidnapping and imprisoning individuals for using drugs considered unlawful by the ruling class. However, when representatives of that state strive to physically violate an individual's body in a greedy and sexual way—in quest of these drugs—it is not only deceptive but it may be deemed a crime against humanity.
Sadly, many who continue to conduct this fruitless war on drugs do not share this view. As the following example demonstrates, order followers have no trouble maintaining this practice of state-sanctioned highway rape in order to get drugs that their leaders have instructed them to be unlawful.
This week, a camera from Lynchburg, Virginia, showed this reprehensible and exploitative conduct. The footage is part of a lawsuit against the Lynchburg police department for the actual roadside rape of a man by a police officer searching for illicit drugs.
In the footage, an unidentified cop is seen searching a restrained man's trousers for nonexistent items. In the tape, the guy recording can be heard stating, "They searched for him but found nothing." They harmed him. He put his fingers up his buttocks but could not locate any dung.
According to the complaint and the victim, this is precisely what transpired that day, and it occurred in broad daylight as horrified witnesses looked on in terror.
"He has gloves on." "He slips his hand down the front of my trousers, feels between my crotch and testicles, and all of that," the lawsuit's unidentified plaintiff told ABC13. "He reaches inside the back of my jeans, places his palm on my rectum, and swiping upward, I felt a stinging agony."
He added, "It's really embarrassing for a mature guy to admit that another man inserted his finger in his rectum."
Certainly, and that is why he has filed a lawsuit.
"My client said that he was being raped and begged his attacker to stop." The officer kept speaking. In an interview, Cam Warren, the victim's attorney, said, "He discovered nothing."
The fact that another victim has come forward stating that he was subjected to a similar act of sexual assault by this officer is indicative of a pattern of abuse. In fact, the first victim claims to know at least fifteen more victims of this officer's sexual assault.
"He searched me once at first." "He undid my belt, stroked my thighs, and then returned to my buttocks," the second victim said in an interview. "It made me feel uneasy." I never imagined you could do such a thing to people. "
Nevertheless, if you're the Lynchburg police department, you can and will get away with it.
According to ABC 13, neither victim received a single drug charge, their sexual assaults were in vain, and the participating cop is still on active duty.
Both males report being stopped for driving offences. Online court documents reveal that they were subsequently charged with similar charges. For example, the first complainant, who is suing the officer, was convicted of two misdemeanours, including careless driving and driving with a suspended licence. In respect to these instances, neither man was charged with a drug violation since, according to them, they did not have any narcotics on them.
"If the ordinary person did it, they would be prosecuted for sexual assault," ex-FBI agent and ABC News contributor Brad Garrett stated.
Indeed, But if you have a badge and a pistol, you may sexually attack an otherwise innocent guy and say you did it for the sake of the drug war without facing any repercussions.
After seeing the cop who allegedly abused them go unpunished, his claimed victims are now demanding an inquiry and charges.
The second accuser said, "I just want [the cop] to be held responsible for his actions." I do not believe you should treat individuals in such a manner.
The first victim said, "This kind of thing only occurs in metropolitan areas." "I was spotless." I was harmed. They caused me anguish.
Hopefully, justice will be served.
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