Cops assault paraplegic father over window tinting, accusing him of being unable to exit his car.
It's possible to alter your mind about traffic rules and window tinting. Because your window tint is too dark, the cops may demand money from you in the land of the free. Police will abduct or murder you if you refuse to pay the extortion. This happens so often in the land of the free that it is routinely recorded on camera. As seen in the video below, frightening police would use lethal force to halt a car for window tint, even against persons in wheelchairs, if they feel threatened.
The American police state will go to any extent to enforce window tint extortion rules, Clifford Owensby of Dayton, Ohio, recently discovered. Unlawful window tinting caused Owensby to be targeted by cops and attacked.
Last Friday, Owensby and his grandson were out doing errands when his nightmare began. Police tried to extort Owensby as he drove down the street, hurting no one. Both the body camera and the smartphone recorded the encounter.
In the footage, an officer approaches the father's car and informs him his window tint is too dark, then demands he get out.
As he couldn't get out of the car without his wheelchair, Owensby stated to the police.
Owensby repeatedly claims he is paraplegic. “I needed help.”
“I'll assist you,” the cop responds.
“I doubt it, sir,” Owensby replies.
Unjustified threats of a drug dog around Owensby's vehicle are the last straw for the officer.
To record the encounter, Owensby phones a family member.
Then he called for a supervisor and said, “Bring cameras.”
Then I'll call a white shirt. “Because you're getting out,” the officer replied. “Not a chance.” Get out of this vehicle, or I'll drag you out. See your two options?
Owensby is pulled from the vehicle and thrown to the ground — over window tint.
Desperate for anything to prosecute Owensby with, police had to conjure up charges. Misplaced kid seat and incorrect window tint were noted.
A police statement was issued after the video gained traction on Instagram, where it was first uploaded.
In these circumstances, the inquiry will look at any rules and training. The motorist in the video has already been questioned by PSB officers.
So we can make educated choices and continue to enhance services, we urge the public to be patient while we collect all the information.
“I simply felt they were wrong for doing what they were doing,” Owensby said Monday.
The officer abused Owensby's window tint, he said Monday.
In addition, I hope that this doesn't happen to anybody else. It's unacceptable. Who do we call when we lose confidence in the police to serve and protect?
But, sadly, history shows that Owensby's abuse will not result in significant change.
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