The Government Issues a Cease and Desist Order Against Kodak Black for Donating Air Conditioning Units to Housing Projects
In July, when residents of the Golden Acres Projects sweltered in their houses amid an oppressive Florida heatwave, rapper Kodak Black decided to step in and assist them. On July 4, Black came into the area with a vehicle loaded with 100 air conditioners to distribute. He distributed the units personally, going door to the house.
“We're out here handing out air conditioners and assisting with installation,” Kodak said in a video uploaded on social media. “We do it for the projects, we do it for the projects, we do it for the projects. The populace is subsisting on a little amount of cash. We'll bring you all air conditioners, dude; we're out here.”
Numerous people were moved to tears by the gesture of kindness that may have actually saved some of their lives.
“Oftentimes, people get things wrong. They're all like, 'Man, Kodak sleeps, Kodak this, and Kodak that.' Now, take a look at this. Kodak is back in his neighborhood, dude, and he is giving back. This is not a novel concept. You are just a bystander today.”
While the neighborhood rejoiced over their new air conditioners and the fact that they could finally chill their houses, the government was busy doing what governments do.
Fast forward to the current month, when the Pompano Beach Housing Authority ensured that no good deed goes unpunished. According to TMZ, the Housing Authority of Pompano Beach sent Kodak a stop and desist notice in July, alleging that he created "disturbances" when delivering air-conditioning systems to a housing complex.
According to TMZ, the letter states that "your activities have negatively affected the Land's inhabitants' ability to peacefully enjoy the property."
Additionally, the authorities said that the rapper's following music video, which was filmed in the same area, created a "disruption."
Others, however, disagree, and Black's attorney, Bradford Cohen, replied with his own letter reprimanding the housing authority for their "desire to halt aid to the elderly and impoverished amid a heatwave and two-year epidemic."
Spike Cohen, the Libertarian Party's vice-presidential candidate for 2020, also had some strong words for the government's reaction to a rapper giving air conditioners to people in need.
Rapper Kodak Black has distributed 100 air conditioning units to tenants of a Pompano Beach housing complex.
The Pompano Beach Housing Authority responded by sending him a stop and desist letter, stating that "yOuR actIoNs Have AdVeRsElY iMpAcTeD tHe ResiDeNtS' rIgHt To PeAcEfUlLy EnJoY tHe PrOpErTy."
Government destroys your legs, takes your wallet, spends part of your money on crutches, and then brags about how wonderful they are at purchasing crutches.
And if anybody else comes to assist you, they will also shatter their legs.
While some may find it odd that the government would punish someone for doing a charity deed such as giving away air conditioners, it occurs often. Indeed, it had previously occurred in the same county.
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