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Teen says harassing them is racist to them, cops say, "Yes, and I'm proud of it."

 Minnesota Police Officer Rod Webber was caught on camera in March 2015, threatening 17-year-old Hamza Jelani. The threats resulted in serious bodily harm - breaking the teenager's leg. The video went viral after we reported on it five years ago. However, the police had more video of the incident which was obviously even worse but they chose to keep it secret all this time. Thanks for the FOI request through the local news outlet, we will now see the true scope of the problem.

Earlier this month, the Sahan Journal got the whole video, which is full of the racist tirades, and Pitte, a 24-year-old intimidator from the Minneapolis Police Department, resented Roderick Weber for doing the same to his fellow officers - who did nothing.

Although Weber would be fired later, a fierce battle ensued between the department and the union he defended, but he did not face a slap in the face from another cop who forgave the officer's actions.

Now, new calls are coming in to investigate systemic corruption and racism within George Floyd's assassination department.

According to Sahen Journal reports, the newly discovered actions of the officer, described by advocates of police responsibility as unstable, biased and frightening - highlight the people of color of the Minneapolis police department and the ever-relating relationship with the Somali community in particular.

"We are saddened by the shocking nature of the incident and the failure of the investigation involving other officials involved earlier," Jayalani Hussain, CAIR-Minnesota's executive director, said in a statement.

“CAIR-Minnesota calls for a new investigation into the incident as well as a new disciplinary charge for all officers who were not disciplined in the previous investigation. By allowing the behavior of this officer to be allowed, the approving officers clearly showed that this type of behavior is welcome, practiced, and safe. "

The PBWW website reported at the time that she was in a car with three friends after playing basketball at the district's YMCA when they were pulled over. The teenagers asked who owned the vehicle, but they were pulled out of the car nonetheless. Filmed by Jilani as Weber threatened him,

"Plain and simple, if you f ** with me, I'll break your leg before you get a chance to run. I am honest; I don’t do bad around. "

"I never said I was going to run," Jilla says in response.

Weber replies, "I'm giving you ahead right now. Right now I'm trying to be officer friendly. ”

According to ACLU, "Police said the stolen car belonged to a blue Honda Civic. However, the teenagers were driving a blue Toyota Camry. In addition, Jilani insisted that the driver of the vehicle had documents proving ownership. Despite the children having this evidence, the cops coughed it all down and waited an hour, searching for the vehicle and doing background checks on the four teenagers, Faisal Mohammed told My Fox Twin Cities.

"Tell me why I'm being arrested?" Asked Jilani, to which Weber replied, "Because I feel like arresting you."

All four boys were of Somali descent, and they are believed to have been victims of racial profiling. They later filed a complaint, which led to Weber's shooting.

However, the really despicable nature of the stop was not yet known to the public. During the stop, the officer wished the teenagers death and genocide only on the basis of their adolescence.

“Do you remember what happened in Black Hawk Down when we killed the mob of your people? I'm proud of it, "said Officer Weber.

Weber added, "We didn't get the job done there. If we had gotten the job done, you guys wouldn't be here right now."

"You're a racist, brother," said one of the teenagers.

"Yes, and I'm proud of it," Weber replied.

All of this was said in the ears of Weber's fellow officers, though none of them said or did anything. This is the problem with vague "good cops".

If you watch the video below, remember that this is the cop that the police union fought very hard to keep the force.

Link of the video:


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