
Showing posts from December, 2020

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Teen says harassing them is racist to them, cops say, "Yes, and I'm proud of it."

 Minnesota Police Officer Rod Webber was caught on camera in March 2015, threatening 17-year-old Hamza Jelani. The threats resulted in serious bodily harm - breaking the teenager's leg. The video went viral after we reported on it five years ago. However, the police had more video of the incident which was obviously even worse but they chose to keep it secret all this time. Thanks for the FOI request through the local news outlet, we will now see the true scope of the problem. Earlier this month, the Sahan Journal got the whole video, which is full of the racist tirades, and Pitte, a 24-year-old intimidator from the Minneapolis Police Department, resented Roderick Weber for doing the same to his fellow officers - who did nothing. Although Weber would be fired later, a fierce battle ensued between the department and the union he defended, but he did not face a slap in the face from another cop who forgave the officer's actions. Now, new calls are coming in to investigate systemi...

When she told him not to park in her yard, the cops came out of the woman's teeth

Link to the video:   As frequent readers of the PBWW website know,  cops  will use almost any reason to justify the escalation of force and subsequent arrest. The PBWW website has reported on savage violence dished out by  enforcement   just in case  after case of “contempt of cop” otherwise  referred to as  damaging a cop’s ego. An innocent woman in Jacksonville learned about contempt of cop the hard way recently, after having her teeth knocked out by police after asking them to not park in her yard. Earlier this year, Brittany Crishawn Williams called 911  posing for  assistance after  a political candidate  parked in her driveway for  a close-by  police matter and wouldn’t leave. In Williams’s eyes, the officer was trespassing, so she called 911 for help.  within the  eyes of the cops, however, Williams insulted their egos,  and then  she deserved to be beaten and ar...

COVID-19 vaccine side effect...

Please do not take the VACCINE!!!

The cops shoot the innocent teenager in the back, then pull the bullets and say ‘by hand’.

  A 17-year-old boy, Jamaine Barnes was reportedly asleep  in a very  car after a video shoot  along with his  older cousin only to be awakened by police who would shoot him  within the  back moments later.  in step with  a lawsuit filed this month, after shooting the boy, officers pulled the bullets out of his back by hand before dumping him off at the juvenile  jail . As Mercury News reports,  in keeping with  the lawsuit, the Stockton teen spent the evening  along with his  older cousin, earlier driving to a music video shoot in Oakland.  the teenager  then fell asleep and  awoke   within the  car alone and in an unfamiliar  automobile parking space , to the sounds of loud noises. He tried to call his cousin but his  mobile phone  was dead, so he  arrived  at the driver’s seat and tried  to depart , the suit said. Leaving, for the young man, proved to be a near...

A 4-year-old girl was kept at Gunpoint, once again a family terror as a cops raid home.

Over the past few years, the residents of Chicago  are  subjected to a militarized police-state occupation. Innocent family after innocent family each  rousing   within the  middle of the night as heavily armed storm troopers throw flashbangs into their homes, haul them outside  within the  cold, point guns at their heads, and even handcuff  babies . These families are being terrorized in their own homes, many of them left with PTSD, and  nobody  is being held accountable—because the state  is that the  one behind  the phobia . In the latest instance of  absolutism  terror  administered  by Chicago’s finest, a toddler was held at gunpoint  and made  to  the bottom  by cops raiding  the incorrect  home. Highlighting the sheer irresponsible and reckless nature of the Chicago  department of local government   affecting  raids  is that the   proven fact...