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Police Chief Forced Out for Having Cops Solve Actual Crimes Instead of Enforcing Ticket Quota

Most of the people reading this text know what it wishes to have the blue and red lights crop up in your car mirror. The last item browsing your mind at now is that the feeling of ‘being protected.’ this sense comes from the very fact that the overwhelming majority of the time a driver sees police lights in their mirror is because they need been targeted for revenue collection—often the results of a quota system—and they're close to tend a ticket, or worse.

Police, we are told, are here to stay us safe and protect us from the bad guys. However, public safety only too often takes a back seat to revenue collection. Time and time again, the Project has exposed quota schemes during which officers were punished for not writing enough tickets.

The most recent ticket-writing scheme to be exposed comes of out Morrison, Colorado. Morrison captain George Mumma Jr. was forced to retire last month after a gathering with Town Manager Kara Winters, who consistent with Mumma complained his officers weren’t aggressive enough in writing traffic tickets.

The act of not aggressively extorting citizens should be praised by officials. However, because they use this legalized extortion to fill their coffers, city officials became hooked into it.

“It was made clear that our budget was supported traffic revenue,” Mumma told FOX 31.

As FOX 31 reports, Mumma joined the department in Nov. 2017 when he said it had “One of the worst reputations within the Denver Metro area,” because it had been known for being a trap.

“The officers weren’t trained and weren’t doing tons of things aside from writing tickets,” consistent with Mumma.

So, he began to vary it, which put a target on his back. Mumma refused to violate the rights of the citizens by preying on them with mandates to issue tickets for face masks, traffic speed, and vehicle noise, in order that they ousted him.

Naturally, the town responded by claiming the issuance of fines for face masks and traffic infractions is for the security of all citizens.

Winters wrote, “Among the foremost important was the need that each one town employees – including our cops – consistently wear face masks publicly places. We also weren't aligned with reference to the board’s mandate that the department more effectively controls traffic speeds and vehicle noise throughout the town.”

Though mask enforcement was mentioned, Mumma says traffic enforcement was the amount one issue for his forced retirement because it solely funded them.

“Usually workplace has another sort of revenue (besides traffic citations) coming therein addresses the local department,” said Mumma who said he was never comfortable with the very fact Morrison Police received 100% of its revenue from traffic tickets, “It’s an ethical issue on behalf of me .”

Mumma was celebrated by his department when he came in as he allocated more officers to solving actual crimes while leaving just three cops to extort citizens.

A letter sent by the Morrison local department to the board of trustees said, “Chief Mumma may be a man of high ethics and standards,” adding his “retirement has been forced without basis” before posing for Mumma to “resume his role as chief of police, effectively immediately.”

“I’ve never been so pleased with a gaggle as I even have these guys,” Mumma said of his former department.
Mumma is that the cop that the majority of towns want as their chief. However, because the govt depends upon the extortion of citizens for survival, his role is seen as undesirable by city officials. Therein lies the source for predatory policing.

Mandating that officers issue citations and make arrests is nothing on the brink of “protecting and serving.” actually, it’s quite the other.

Requiring a minimum number of citations forces conflict and potentially hostile interactions in situations where there would rather be no conflict.

It truly forces cops to make criminals out of innocent people so as to get revenue, or they face losing their jobs.

Sadly, Morrison, Colorado isn't an isolated incident. For years, TFTP has reported on these quota systems from coast to coast. As we just reported in June, the town of Ridgetop, Tenn. fired its entire local department after they refused to enforce an illegal quota scheme to line the pockets of city officials.


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