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Planned Parenthood = Modern Day Child Blood Sacrifice

 With full knowledge and understanding they themselves offered up their own children, and people who had no children would buy little ones from poor people and cut their throats as if they were numerous lambs or young birds; meanwhile the mother stood by without a tear or moan; but should she utter one moan or let fall one tear, she had to forfeit the cash , and her child was sacrificed nevertheless; and therefore the whole area before the statue was crammed with bang of flutes and drums, which took the cries of wailing, in order that they didn't reach the ears of the people.

Gehenna may be a place of death, utterly against the gift of life.

Last Tuesday, on the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the ny State Senate passed the Reproductive Health Act, which extend the allowances for abortions even further.

Now, a lady may abort her fetus if "The patient is within twenty-four weeks from the commencement of pregnancy, or there's an absence of fetal viability, or the abortion is important to guard the patient's life or health." The bill also allows for abortion to be procured by non-doctors.

The ambiguous language of the bill - also because the words of Governor Andrew Cuomo - indicate that "Abortion are going to be available to women essentially on demand up to the purpose of birth."

That is what we call a 'second-trimester abortion'.

What the Reproductive Health Act allows for now , in addition- a possible trimester abortion - involves lethal injection into the guts of the fetus.

The fact that we are even ready to reason, make voluntary choices, and enact laws makes our society's worship of abortion all the more twisted.

Make no mistake - there's nothing "Progressive" about abortion.

Abortion is that the direct termination of human life within the mother's womb.

Most Americans don't support unrestricted abortion.

Many of these who are "Pro-choice" argue that abortion should be allowed within the case of rape, incest, or when the lifetime of the mother is in peril .

Those who argue for abortion "Rights" in these situations are understandably upset about the crimes of rape & incest.

In addition to those arguments come the arguments of utility - it's better that an "Unwanted" baby be killed than experience a rough life, or to change state to oldsters who don't want him or her.

Again, this is often a logical error, because the potential future that awaits a toddler doesn't suddenly change his humanity, which remains within the child born of a crack-addict or the kid born of royal lineage.

A child may be a child, and a toddler is human - no situational or consequential ethic can supersede this basic truth, nor can it erase that child's right to life.

Part of what human "Progress" means is that we are advancing within the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness.

Because of this, abortion by its very definition isn't progressive - it's regressive.

Language-GamesFor far too long, language has been wont to recoil from the horror of abortion.

Why is defending the lifetime of the unborn so bad to the pro-abortion crowd? it's to try to to with the misuse of "Rights" language.

Thus, the lady has no real "Right" to terminate the lifetime of her unborn child because that might infringe upon the proper to life belonging to her child.

While it's true that the lifetime of the fetus depends upon the mother for viability, you'll say an equivalent about the lifetime of any child outside of the womb.

As far as i do know it's still a criminal offense for a parent to kill his or her child within the years following the child's birth, albeit the kid still depends on the mother for its survival.

The practice and defense of abortion, for instance , reveals the shortage of belief in God as Creator.

No one who commits an abortion truly believes that God - the creator of all things - has His own "Rights" over life and death.

To them, the last word meaning of life is to form choices - albeit they're bad, harmful, or simply plain wrong.

Any culture which supports abortion within the first place isn't exempt from their own inverted worship.

Many who support abortion as must-have in light of the "Overpopulation" myth have revealed a second deity - the 'god of Utility™'.

Here, abortion is seen as a "Useful" exercise, ensuring that the world's resources will remain free from the hands of entire generations - exhausted in doctors' offices.

People who choose abortion because they can't be "Bothered" with another child, or who choose abortion because they believe they're going to be more happy financially are not any different than the Moloch-cult of the traditional Canaanites.

As the ancient accounts recorded, the oldsters were clearly upset - as you remember, the Canaanite-priests beat their drums loudly to make noise the child's screams in order that the oldsters weren't overcome with grief.

So too with abortion today do the emotions of the talk make noise the stark reality of it all - that in abortion, a person's child dies a disturbing, painful, and unnecessary death.

Whereas, for Christian theology , a sacrament may be a visible sign of Christ's invisible grace, abortion may be a visible sign of Satan's invisible influence upon our world.

"Abortion is that the Antichrist's demonic parody of the Eucharist. that's why it uses an equivalent holy words, 'This is my body,' with the blasphemously opposite meaning."

Time and time again, it's proven that abortion harms women.

Abortion is additionally deeply anti-woman, and is antithetical to the very concept of feminism.

As advances in science help us see the sweetness of human life within the womb, it's clear that abortion isn't an arbitrary "Choice" that ought to be protected by law, but rather a criminal offense against humanity which should be criminalized & its doctor-procurers imprisoned.

The existence of abortion and its sacrosanct status among its supporters is evidence that, contrary to popular belief, we aren't living during a very "Progressive" society.

Either you support abortion and its legion of demons, otherwise you choose, cultivate, and respect life.

The helpline is staffed by consultants who have personally experienced the pain of abortion, but have also found hope and healing.


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