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Horrifying Video Shows Cops Walk By Dog in Fenced In Yard, Shoot It Through the Fence, Killing It

It is no secret within us that cops kill dogs. For some reason, unlike package delivery drivers, pizza delivery drivers, and postal workers - who interact with countless more dogs than police - cops most frequently resort to deadly force with man's ally.

A deeply disturbing video was shared with the deism Project in the week showing Detroit cops walk up to a dog during a confined yard and kill it.

According to the Animal Hope & Wellness Foundation, the footage was caught on a home camera system, because the dog is seen barking through the fence at several officers and their police K-9.

When the police K-9 stuck its head through the fence, the dog inside the fence - protecting its territory - latched on to the K-9's muzzle.

The officer's made no attempt whatsoever to separate the animals and instead, one officer pulled out his pistol and shot the dog within the face, killing it.

For several moments the dog is seen writhing in agony on the bottom in his last minutes alive.

This happened in Detroit, with footage being caught on a home camera system.

The video is extremely upsetting - which shows Detroit police shooting a dog within the face and killing him.

In the video, the dog is barking through the fence at the policemen and police dogs.

The officer draws his gun because the dog seemed to be latched on to his dog's muzzle or face through the fence.

Instead of trying to separate them, he shoots the dog within the head. The officer liable for the act must be held accountable.

Please voice your concern and call the precinct and Detroit Mayors office demanding justice.

Naturally, people are upset and have let the Detroit local department skills they feel within the comments on the post.

"The cop allowed his dog to urge too close then killed the animal ahead of the ladies who owned the dog in her yard," one Facebook user wrote.

"Why didn't he separate them rather than murdering her dog?".

Other users acknowledged the very fact that the lady standing within the yard turned and walked away after the cop shot the dog.

The obvious answer thereto question is that she might not want to suffer an equivalent fate because of the dog.

"Was especially touching to ascertain all the cops standing there while their victim writhes in agony before it dies. That working dog should haven't been allowed near that fence."

TFTP contacted the Detroit police who said the incident is now under investigation.

WARNING GRAPHIC policeman in Detroit shoots a dog in its own yard after losing control of a K9 pic.

The Detroit local department is notorious for killing dogs.

Earlier this month, TFTP reported on another dog shooting captured on video that was also unjustified.

Detroit resident Kira Horne and her beloved pit bull fell victim to a tyrannical raid in search of medicine and their happy dog who posed no threat to officers was killed as a result.

While many instances of cops killing dogs go un-reconciled because cops are believed over the drug suspects, in Horne's case, there was video evidence that disputed the cop's argument that they were in peril.

The taxpayers of Detroit then shelled out $75,000 to buy the cop's actions.

For lying on the report and killing a dog, the cop wasn't fired and remains gainfully employed with the Detroit local department.


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