Assault on Officer Charges Dropped for 2 Men As Video Showed it was Self-Defense, Cop Arrested Instead
Two innocent guys had been arrested in January after Sgt. Welton Simpson Jr. Attacked, arrested, and falsely charged them with the attack.
Happily for Zayne Abdullah and Donnell Burgess - who have been the victims of Simpson's rage - the video showed that the cop changed into the aggressor, not them.
His protection legal professional pointed out that Simpson's very own body camera showed that turned into no longer proper.
Because the video shows, Simpson attacked Abdullah for no cause and took him to the floor.
Thanks to the hard work of the lawyers, these two men at the moment are unfastened and Simpson became indicted last week.
If convicted, Simpson faces the possibility of six months in prison - rarely a just sentence for falsely charging two men who could have spent a decade at the back of bars for Simpson's lies.
"If in effectuating the arrest or the brief detention the officials employ excessive and pointless force, the citizen may reply or counter with the use of affordable pressure to protect himself, and if in doing so the officer is injured no criminal offense has been committed."
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