Cops Handcuff Man, Beat Him for 6 Minutes for Walking on Wrong Side of the Road
In a long articulation, the Sheriff called the capture "legal" and recommended that video proof like this ought not to be appeared to people in general in its crude structure without having official declaration to give setting for their activities . on May 23rd, When A Person of melanin named Reginald Arrington, Jr. The video demonstrates that police appeared to be disturbed that Arrington gave them an off-base name, or was some way or another declining to distinguish himself. The capture report said that the individual who called the police said that Arrington "may have a weapon in his pocket, "However no weapons were found. "Arrington started showing inconsistent conduct by discharging out his pockets saying he would not like to get shot. "
" He Was kicking, "one of the officials Guaranteed. In spite of discharging the recording to the open, Lead prosecutor General Neal Pinkston says he has not chosen whether or no charges will be documented against the officials. The charges against Arrington were dropped by the DA's office.
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